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Fresh food by expo Trade company / Together we can

Fresh food by expo Trade company / Together we can

Fresh food refers to food that is not preserved by canning, dehydration, freezing, or smoking.It is food that has its original qualities unimpaired and is not stale, sour, decayed, faded, or altered by processing.
Fresh food is commonly understood as food that is enjoyed in its natural state and is typically consumed shortly after it is harvested or produced. It includes a wide range of items such as fruits, vegetables, seafood, meats, dairy products, and grains. The freshness of the food is often associated with its quality, taste, and nutritional value.
It is important to note that the term “fresh” can sometimes be subjective and its definition may vary in different contexts. For example, not every food needs to be fresh to be considered good.
There are also various labeling and regulatory standards in place that define what can be marketed and sold as fresh food.
Overall, fresh food is valued for its natural state, nutritional content, and taste, and is a key component of a healthy and balanced diet.